讲师,主要研究方向包括雷达遥感地质灾害识别与监测、星空地多源遥感协同灾害体监测等。参与多项国家自然科学基金与国家重点研发项目,发表科技论文10余篇,以第一作者发表SCI论文4篇,包括Remote Sensing of Environment,Landslides等国际知名期刊。担任Geo-spatial Information Science, International Journal of Digital Earth等高水平期刊审稿人。
时间 |
学校 |
专业 |
学位 |
2012.09 ~ 2016.07 |
南京信息工程大学 |
测绘工程 |
学士 |
2017.09 ~ 2019.06 |
长安大学 |
测绘科学与技术 |
硕士 |
2019.09 ~ 2024.12 |
长安大学 |
测绘科学与技术 |
博士 |
2022.10 ~ 2024.12 |
西班牙阿利坎特大学 |
土木工程 |
博士 |
时间 |
工作单位 |
职务 |
2025.02-至今 |
讲师 |
研究方向 |
研究内容 |
预期成果 |
雷达遥感地质灾害识别与监测 |
灾害体识别、InSAR相位优化、三维形变、地基SAR、时空分析 |
论文、专利及软著 |
星空地多源遥感协同灾害体监测 |
SAR/光学/LiDAR偏移量跟踪技术、滑坡/采矿模型构建与参数反演、智能监测预警 |
论文、专利及软著 |
[1] 岩溶山区特大滑坡早期识别与监测预警,国家重点研发计划-课题,2018.12-2021.12,参与;
[2] 星空地InSAR技术用于中美滑坡监测预警联合研究,国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金,2020.01-2023.12,参与;
[3] InSAR海量数据高精度准动态形变时序分析,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019.01-2022.12,参与;
[4] 基于PS-InSAR技术与GNSS监测技术融合的龙羊峡近坝库岸高精度变形监测的研究及应用,国家电投集团青海黄河电力技术有限责任公司,2021.11 -2022.5,参与;
[5] 煤矿开采沉陷智能化监测技术与装备研究,中国神华能源股份有限公司神东煤炭分公司,2024.6-2026.5,参与。
[1] Chen H, Zhao C, Tomás R, et al. Integrating InSAR and non-rigid optical pixel offsets to explore the kinematic behaviors of the Lanuza complex landslide. Remote sensing of Environment (2025). //doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2025.114651.
[2] Chen H, Zhao C, Tomás R, et al. Retrieving the Kinematic Process of Repeated-Mining-Induced Landslides by Fusing SAR/InSAR Displacement, Logistic Model, and Probability Integral Method. Remote Sensing, 15, 3145 (2023). //doi.org/10.3390/rs15123145.
[3] Chen H, Zhao C, Li B, et al. Monitoring spatiotemporal evolution of Kaiyang landslides induced by phosphate mining using distributed scatterers InSAR technique. Landslides 20, 695–706 (2023). //doi.org/10.1007/s10346-022-01986-5.
[4] Chen H, Zhao C, Sun R, et al. Two-dimensional deformation monitoring of karst landslides in Zongling, China, with multi-platform distributed scatterer InSAR technique. Landslides 19, 1767–1777 (2022). //doi.org/10.1007/s10346-022-01860-4.
[5] Chen H, Zhang Y, Zhao C, et al. Monitoring Repetitive Mining Induced Deformation using Multi-Temporal InSAR Technology[C]. BIGSARDATA, 2019.
[6] 武志刚,陈恒祎*,赵超英,马正龙,田野. 联合升降轨PS-InSAR技术的滑坡二维形变监测[J].测绘科学, 2023, 48(5):183-190.
[7] Zhang Y, Zhao C, Chen H, Feng X, Lu Z, Khan B (2023) Detection and monitoring of mining-induced subsidence with Gaofen-3 and Sentinel-1A SAR datasets. Remote Sensing Letters, 15(5), 537-547.
[8] Chen L, Zhao C, Chen H, Kang Y, Li B, Liu X (2023) The detection and control factor analysis of active landslides in Guizhou province, China, using sentinel-1 SAR imagery. Remote Sensing, 15(23), 5468.
[9] Li B, Zhao C, Li J, Chen H, Gao Y, Cui F, Wan J (2023) Mechanism of mining-induced landslides in the karst mountains of Southwestern China: a case study of the Baiyan landslide in Guizhou. Landslides, 20, 1481–1495.
[10] Sun R, Zhao C, Li B, Chen H, Chen L (2023) Karst landslides detection and monitoring with multiple SAR data and multi-dimensional SBAS technique in Shuicheng, Guizhou, China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 1121868.
[11] Li G, Zhao C, Wang B, Liu X, Chen H (2022) Land Subsidence Monitoring and Dynamic Prediction of Reclaimed Islands with Multi-Temporal InSAR Techniques in Xiamen and Zhangzhou Cities, China. Remote Sensing, 14, 2930.
[12] Peng M, Lu Z, Zhao C, Motagh M, Bai L, Conway BD, Chen H (2022) Mapping land subsidence and aquifer system properties of the Willcox basin, Arizona, from InSAR observations and independent component analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment, 271, 112894.
[13] Wang B, Zhao C, Zhang Q, Chen L, Chen H (2021) Update two-dimensional SAR offset tracking deformation time series with complex sequential least squares estimation[J]. Remote Sensing Letters, 12(3): 249-258.
[14] Chen L, Zhao C, Kang Y, Chen H, Yang C, Li B, Xing A (2020) Pre-Event Deformation and Failure Mechanism Analysis of the Pusa Landslide, China with Multi-Sensor SAR Imagery[J]. Remote Sensing, 12(5), 856.
[15] 费新峰,田野,赵超英,刘海敏,陈恒祎 (2023) 基于多时相InSAR技术的黄河上游龙羊峡库区不稳定边坡识别与形变监测.地球科学与环境学报, 45(3):578-589.
[16] 陈立权, 赵超英, 任超锋, 王佩杰, 陈雪蓉, 陈恒祎 (2020) 光学遥感用于贵州发耳镇尖山营滑坡监测研究. 中国岩溶, 39(4), 6.
[1] 融合SAR与光学偏移量技术的地表三维形变计算方法及系统, 2022
[2] 一种附加DEM约束的SAR偏移量三维形变估计方法及系统,2021
4. 获奖
[1] “互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,省级银奖,中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛陕西赛区组织委员会,2020。
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